The Ratel hydraulic overhead gates installed at this facility are made using a solid skin of PIR sandwich panels. A special feature of these gates is the low-lying outer truss. This decision was dictated by the significant thickness of the gate opening walls. The gates are controlled from the gate control panel. Simple push-button control ("switch on", "open", "close", "emergency stop") is located on the front panel of the control cabinet, which has an authorized access key. Brush seals on the sides and rubber seals at the bottom and top of the gate leaf provide good sealing, which is important for heated hangars for year-round use.
Проектирование объектов авиационной инфраструктуры в варианте, когда предприятие самостоятельно выполняет часть проектных работ и одновременно выполняет руководство работой субподрядных проектных и изыскательских организаций, осуществляющих работы по отдельным объектам (разделам) проектной документации и (или) инженерным изысканиям.
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