The classic version of the door for large hangars with a one-height doorway
Turnkey design and manufacturing
Heating and drainage system for the lower rail area
Built-in gates for vehicles and gates for personnel with authorized access systems
Innovative materials for door perimeter seals
High degree of heat-insulating properties of the door leaf
Security systems on each gate leaf
Sliding-and-support gates are most often multi-sectional and fit well into rectangular openings. If you need to block a wide doorway and there is no need to open the entire opening at once, then, like a sliding wardrobe, the sashes roll along the lower rail from one place to another, opening alternately the required part of the opening.
If you need to open the entire gate opening at the same time, there are two options - roll the sections of the door leaf into "pockets" on the sides of the opening, or place them along the walls inside the hangar with a 90-degree turn. In this case, you will have to make guides with a bend along the radius.
MODULAR SLIDING GATES are a profitable purchase
Finishing the front surface of the door leaf or insulation can be ordered as part of the project, or can be done by the customer independently
Other types of gates
Sliding-folding curtain type doors Up-and-over doors
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