The design of the first stage of construction of the Elga landing site as part of the infrastructure of the Elga coal complex, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Neryungri district, has been completed. The property is located in an uninhabited, hilly and wooded area, approximately 415 km east of the city of Neryungri. The designed runway with artificial turf has plan dimensions of 2284 m x 48 m made of PAG-18 slabs. The Bombardier Global 7500 has been adopted as the design type of aircraft; in addition, the ability to receive Il-114 and Mi-26 and Mi-8 helicopters has been provided. It is planned to build an aviation apron from PAG-18 slabs with two parking spaces for Bombardier Global 7500 and Il-114 aircraft and 1 MS for Mi-8 and Mi-26 helicopters. In addition, it is planned to construct a taxiway from PAG-18 slabs to ensure taxiing of aircraft from the runway to the apron. It is planned to equip the landing site with radio and lighting equipment in order to ensure precision approach flights for delivery in accordance with instrument flight rules in category 1. Currently, the project has passed state examination.
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